Name That Baby
My late husband worked for a sound & light company, TFA Electra sound, therefore we use to get VIP guest passes to concerts that came to the city where we lived in Southampton, Hampshire, England.

We went to see Rory play at the then Gaumont Theatre in 1980 there & afterwards met him. Not really knowing of Rory or his band history in the 60´s as I was a bit young then ! we got talking, we talked about lots of different things and I remember finding him to be so interesting & very down to earth. He noticed that I was heavily pregnant & asked if I wanted a boy or a girl, I said, I just know it is a boy ( then they wouldn´t tell you what it was) He asked me if I had a name for ´him´ I replied that I had just decided on the perfect name & it would fit perfectly as my late husband was also Irish, Rory of course. He said that he was honoured & that we should stay in touch so he could catch up with how he was doing.

So my 24 year old son has an unusual name & which is after a great performer, that I can say I knew personally all be it for a short while as we never got together again after that. 
Diana Leary
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