

ROCK hero, Rory Gallagher, returns to Ireland next week for the Starlight Awards Concert to accept the International Act of the Year award. The award comes at a time when this brilliant young guitarist is poised to finally reap the benefits of his American Forays. 1976 should see him get the recognition he deserves Stateside.


Gallagher is one of the more modest members of rock's Division One. The music press rave about Springsteen and he flops, but Gallagher quietly plods along and once the fans are he wants nothing to do with press praise. Rory and brother, Donal, do their business quietly and efficiently.

Gallagher has conquered this side of the world and of late he has his sights set on the States. If he has the same enthusiasm for Yankee land as he had for Britain and Europe, Rory will rule there in not too long from now.


In the last few years, Rory has proven hs ability to make the rock pundits of the world to sit up and listen. His life story would make mighty fine reading for any aspiring musician in Ireland who has sights on the international music market. Unlike the majority of music men, Gallagher's horizons 'stretched beyond the tarmac at Dublin airport' to use the words of another musical export, Phil Coulter.

This article come from the April 1976 issue of the Irish publication, STARLIGHT (nr.10)
reformatted by roryfan

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added 9/23/12